# Debug VGA param ## Params for custom VGA Modify file: `sudo nano /boot/config.txt` then restart to apply dpi_group=2 dpi_mode=87 dpi_timings= xxxx ## Tests: - 640x480 60Hz : `dpi_timings=640 0 16 96 48 480 0 11 2 31 0 0 0 60 0 25175000 1 ` Visible but only halph of the screen... - 320x240 60Hz : 'dpi_timings=320 1 12 32 44 240 1 6 10 6 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1` Not working ## Syntax: `hdmi_timings= ` - = horizontal pixels (width) - = invert hsync polarity - = horizontal forward padding from DE acitve edge - = hsync pulse width in pixel clocks - = vertical back padding from DE active edge - = vertical pixels height (lines) - = invert vsync polarity - = vertical forward padding from DE active edge in horizontal sync pulse - = vsync pulse width in pixel clocks - = vertical back padding from DE active edge in horizontal sync pulse - = leave at zero - = leave at zero - = leave at zero - = screen refresh rate in Hz - = leave at zero - = clock frequency (width*height*framerate) - = * HDMI_ASPECT_4_3 = 1 HDMI_ASPECT_14_9 = 2 HDMI_ASPECT_16_9 = 3 HDMI_ASPECT_5_4 = 4 HDMI_ASPECT_16_10 = 5 HDMI_ASPECT_15_9 = 6 HDMI_ASPECT_21_9 = 7 HDMI_ASPECT_64_27 = 8